NATUROPATHY ( A science of healthy living )

The science of naturopathy is as old as nature itself. It is the oldest of all the prevailing systems of medicine thus it can be called the mother of other systems. We can get the introduction of Naturopathy in our Vedas also. After Vedic period came pauranic period in which also the system of Nature Cure prevailed. Raja Dilip had undergone Milk Kalp ( Fasting on milk only for a particular period ) and had lived in the forest. After this during the time of Lord Buddha once a monk was felt ill then Lord Buddha advised him to take steam bath and to take bath with hot water.

Treatment with the medicines was very simple, and therefore, it become popular among the people. But the use of medicines was a wrong way curing the diseases therefore, generally the health of the person began to go down. Today the main cause of the bad health of the people is the extensive use of medicine.


The main principles of Naturopathy are mentioned below:-
1. All diseases are same, their causes are same and their treatment is same.
2. Germs do not cause diseases.
3. Acute illness is not an enemy but a friend.
4. Nature itself is a Doctor.
5. Treatment is not of a particular diseases but of the entire body of the patient.
6. Diagnosis of disease is not necessary.
7. It takes time to cure a patient suffering from chronic ailments.
8. Suppressed diseases come to surface through Nature Care.
9. Simultaneous treatment of body, mind and soul.
10. No medicines should be given to the patient during Nature care
treatment. According to Naturopathy Food is a medicine.


According to the philosophy the three primary stages of disease are (1)Lowered Vitality,
(2)Abnormal composition of Blood and Lymph,
(3)Accumulation of foreign or morbid or toxin matter and poison in system.

Naturopath helps us in get rid of all the primary stages of diseases mentioned above. It is a science of healthy living. It teaches us how we should live, what we should eat and how our daily routine should be. Nature cure not only helps us in attaining freedom from diseases but also helps in getting the positive health. Its main objective is to change the living habits of people and to teach them the healthy lifestyle. The Human body is composed of five great elements, imbalance of these creates diseases. Treatment of diseases by these elements i.e. Air, Water, Earth, Fire and Ether is known as Nature Cure. The general treatment methods are mentioned below:-

DIET THERAPY According to this therapy the food should be taken as medicine and the food must be taken in natural form only. Diet should be such that fulfils the nutritional requirements of our body. Fresh fruits, Fresh green vegetables and sprouts are the best example in this point of view. Our diet should consists of 20% Acidic and 80% alkaline food.


The main purpose of fasting is to give complete rest to our digestive system. During this process vital energy which digests the food is wholly engaged in the elimination process. Fasting is very much effective in the diseases like Constipation, Indigestion, Obesity, High Blood Pressure Digestive disorder etc.


The use of Mud is as old as nature itself. In the ancient time Yogis and Sadhus are used to smear their bodies with the mud or ashes. It has a power to check heat as well as cold. Mud therapy is applied to given coolness to the body. It dilutes and absorbs the toxins of the body. The main treatments of this therapy are Mud Bath and Mud Pack. This treatment is very much effective in Skin Diseases, and Constipation.


Water gives strength and satisfaction to body. It removes the impurities of body and refreshes it. The bath with water opens all the pores of the skin which gives freshness to body. The different treatments of Hydro therapy are Hip Bath, Spinal bath, Hot and cold formentation, Steam Bath etc.


Massage improves our health and removes many illness. It is a kind of exercise of the muscles. By massage heat is generated in the blood which removes the impurities in it and expels it through sweat and urine. It is beneficial for everybody.


The sun rays is a mixture of seven colours which are Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red. These colours gives the different effect on body in different diseases. The water and oil charged in the sun light for specific period and specific colour are used for the cure of different diseases.


Fresh air is the essential for the good health. Everyone should walk daily in fresh air after wearing light cloths. Pranayam and Air bath are the ways to treat in this Therapy.


Astham Anaemia Amoebiasis Anxiety Allergic Skin Diseases Cirrhosis of liver Cervical Spondylosis Colitis Chronic Ulcers Constipation Diarrhoea Diabetes Mellitus Dysentery Eczema Facial Paralysis Flatulence Gastritis Gout Hypertension Hypotension Hyperacidity Jaundice Leprosy Leucorrhoea Neurosis Obesity Ostro Arthritis Peptic Ulcer Poliomyelities Psoriasis Rheurmatoid Arthritis Scabie Splenomegaly Sciatica
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